Hari Gizi Nasional Ke-59 Tahun 2019

Sambutan Menteri Kesehatan

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disampaikan oleh drg. Oscar Primadi, MPH (Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Kesehatan)
Keynote Speech Menteri PPN/Kepala Bappenas RI

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Prof. Bambang Brodjonegoro, Ph.D
Pengantar EAT Representative


Sudhvir Singh (Directory of Policy – EAT)
Key Messages of EAT Lancet Report

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Dr. Rina Agustina (Department of Nutrition and HNRC IMERI, FK UI – RSCM)
Panel 1: “Shift the world to healthy, tasty, and sustainable diets”
  1. What EAT – Lancet messages mean for business
  2. What EAT – Lancet messages mean for ecosystem conservation
  3. How the EAT – Lancet messages can support the achievement of SDGs
  4. How the finance sector can engage in the global food system transformation
  1. Matt Kovac (CEO, FoodIndustry Asia)


  2. Farwiza Farhan (Founder, HAKA-Leuser)


  3. Felia Salim (Member of  Governing Board, GAIN and The Green Fund)


Panel 2:
  1. Upaya Pengentasan Daerah Rawan Pangan

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  2. Strategi Penanggulangan Stunting

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  3. Penggunaan Angka Kecukupan Gizi, Bagaimana Seharusnya?

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  4. Upaya Peningkatan Konsumsi Ikan di Indonesia

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  1. DR. Ir. Agung Hendriadi, M. Eng (Kepala Badan Ketahanan Pangan)
  2. Pungkas Bahjuri Ali, STP, MS, Ph.D (Direktur Kesehatan dan Gizi Masyarakat, Bappenas)
  3. Prof. Hardinsyah, MS (Perumus Bidang 1 WPNG XI Tahun 2018)
  4. Machmud, SP, MSc (Direktur Pemasaran Ditjen PDSPKP, KKP)
Panel 3:
  1. PMBA pada Situasi Darurat

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  2. Praktik Baik di Kampung Zimba: Kampung Literasi dan Edukasi Gizi Seimbang Desa Tamansari Kab. Bogor

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  1. Dr. Tan Shot Yen
  2. Baban Sarbana

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